
Showing posts from 2018

Food Donation by students

GOD HAS GIVEN US TWO HANDS ---- ONE TO HELP OURSELVES, THE SECOND TO HELP OTHERS…… Students brought home cooked eatable items and donated them to the poor children near slum areas. This activity was done every month from August to December  with different classes each month. Students not only learnt the habit of sharing but also were moved by knowing that there are so many people who do not have food to eat daily. They were motivated to donate and assure that they will never waste food.

Debate Competition on "Be Kind Live Kind"

Students explored the value of kindness by debating on the topic “Be Kind, Live Kind” and shared their views with others by giving real life examples. Students expressed their views for the motion and against the motion. This activity deepened their understanding of being kind, generous and to be a helping hand to needy and poor people. This activity not only changed their attitude towards needy people but inculcated in them more positive traits.

Visit to Old Age Home

God gave us life with happy and sad moments, but Parents always try to give us only happy moments…… Students visited Shiv Ashray Old Age Home, Rohini with the aim of showing their love, care, affection to the elderly people by presenting them bouquet, cards, gifts and presented songs and bhajans which inculcated in them the value of love and responsibility.        

Slogan Writing on "Be Kind Live Kind"

Students prepared creative posters with great zeal and also presented their views by writing inspiring slogans in different calligraphy styles. The posters created were displayed in an exhibition on PTM day to spread awareness about being Kind to all beings.